Security Certifications

Having one of these IT Security Certifications will help you get that well paying job in the security field. The IT security market is very hot right now.

 Security Certifications

Whether you’re a security Administrator, Manager, Auditor, or aspiring to be one, having one or more of these security certifications proves that you are a capable professional.

Certified Information Systems Security Professional is offered by (ISC)2.  This course is for both hands on and managerial security professionals, it’s very frequently asked for on security related job applications, and is basically the certification you should have if you are in this field.

The CISA certification (Certified Information Systems Auditor) works with IS audit, control, risk assurance and security in general.  You don’t just have to be an auditor to gain from this sought after security designation.  The audit experience and skills will be acknowledged and you will also be able…

The CISM certification (Certified Information Systems Manager) works managing designs, and oversees and assesses an enterprise’s information security. This certification is offered by ISACA (Information Systems Audit and Control Association), who also have these courses: CISA (Certified Information Security Auditor), CRISC (Certified in Risk and Information Systems Control), and CGEIT (Certified in the Governance of Enterprise IT).

The IT security industry pays very well, and one way to show your serious is to get the Security+ certification offered by CompTIA. The Security+ course is good starting point as there are no prerequisites…

The CRISC certification (Certified in Risk and Information Systems Control) is offered by ISACA. It is all about risk at the enterprise level and involves having the comprehension to  mitigate the risks by designing, implementing, and monitoring IT controls.

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